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Greetings, youngsters! Thanks to a certain elixir of my own invention I am now “swole”, as you can see. Despite your many requests I cannot change out of the tiny bathing-costume until the effect wears off due to its current extreme tightness around my middle.

If you want to be the team's strong member, Powerhouse is going to be your jam. Even if you aren't into muscles simply for muscles' sake, the archetype offers a lot of synergy with various other abilities that push, pull, toss or slam other creatures by allowing you to carry bigger ones.

Powerhouse You're really strong.
caret-right Bouncer Nobody gets past you.
caret-right Door Kicker Break things.
caret-right Monty Hauler Load up on treasure.
caret-right Personal Force Be immovable and/or double pushes.
caret-right Porter No vulnerability when encumbered.


Utility plus-circleMitochondria of the Adventuring Party: You act as if you were one size category larger than you actually are when it comes to how much weight you can carry. This doesn't give you more inventory slots, but does allow you to manhandle other party members and enemies with increased ease.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleFeat of Strength: You can act as if you were two or even three sizes larger than you actually are for the purposes of how much weight you can carry. This effect lasts until the beginning of your next turn.

minus-circleProvisions: Acting as if you are two sizes larger for a round costs 1 Provisions. Acting as if you were three sizes larger costs 2 Provisions.
Utility plus-circleHaulin' And Ballin': When you are heavily encumbered (carrying large other creatures and/or things in 6 or more inventory slots) you can freely make use of any archetype that normally doesn't function when heavily encumbered (such as Acrobat, Escapist, Flyer, Shadow, Sprinter, or Vigilant).


Protection plus-circleZone of Control: When an enemy moves into any space adjacent to you, you can make them stop moving. If they want to move any more, they need to spend another action taking a second move (and if they try moving into another space adjacent to you, they're going to make it exactly one space before you stop them again).

plus-circleYou're on the List: Allies and anyone else you wish to let past you are unaffected by Bouncer.

minus-circleGodzilla's Also on the List: You can only use Bouncer to stop the movement of creatures small enough for you to carry. Thanks to already being trained as a Powerhouse, this normally means any creature up to one size larger than yourself.

minus-circleHey, You're Not on the List: Enemies with the Escapist archetype are immune to being stopped by Bouncer.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleLinebacker: You can choose to move up to two meters as an immediate interruption during any enemy's movement so long as doing so causes you to intercept them.

minus-circleExertion: Moving to intercept a target costs 1 Energy.

change name to “keeper”, “doorman”, “gate”? bouncer is in raygunner

Door Kicker

Utility plus-circleHere's Johnny: As an action, you can smash any object approximately your size or smaller made of wood or another material of similar durability (plastic, fiberglass, bone, etc). This is mostly useful for knocking down locked doors, but could also be used in other circumstances to destroy inconvenient obstacles.

minus-circleNoisy: Smashing things makes a lot of noise and draws the attention of everything in the general vicinity.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleBend Bars, Lift Gates: You can also break objects made of stone or metal.

minus-circleProvisions: Breaking an object made of stone (or another material of similar durability) requires 1 Provisions, while breaking an object made of metal (or another material of similar durability) requires 2 Provisions.

Monty Hauler

Utility plus-circleAwash In Jingle: Why leave anything valuable behind? You can place two treasures and/or keystones in a single inventory slot.

Personal Force

Protection plus-circleHorse Stance: You are incredibly difficult to push aside. So long as you have some form of solid surface to brace yourself on, you act as if you are 1 size category larger than you actually are for purposes of resisting effects that push, pull, pick you up, or otherwise change your position against your will. This includes ability effects, natural forces and whatever else.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleUnmovable: As a free reaction that can be done at any time, you can choose to temporarily increase your effective immovability even further until the beginning of your next turn.

minus-circleProvisions: For every additional effective size category you gain until the beginning of your next turn, you must spend 1 Provisions. There is no limit to how many effective size categories you can gain at once in this manner.
Offense plus-circleCounterpush: Alternately, you can choose to forgo your normal immovability in order to counterpush anybody that pushes you. When you get pushed via any ability effect (such as Knockabout from the Dragonslayer archetype or Pushback from the Shieldbearer archetype) you get pushed as normal, but the pusher is also moved the same distance in the exact opposite direction you were moved.

plus-circleDoublepush: Whenever you use a pushing effect, you can push yourself back the same distance as you pushed your target. Handy for giving yourself a bit more room!


Protection plus-circleSkilled Unskilled Labor: You can defend yourself just fine while under a mountain of luggage. When heavily encumbered (having items in your Heavy inventory slots or carrying a creature of sufficient size) you no longer take +2 damage from all attacks.

minus-circleSlow Going: You still have an impairment to movement speed when heavily encumbered, you're just not any more vulnerable to attacks.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleHustle Time: You can also ignore the movement impairment from encumbrance (thus completely ignoring encumbrance entirely) until the beginning of your next turn if desired.

minus-circleExertion: Choosing to ignore encumbrance for a round costs 1 point of Energy.
powerhouse.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/23 23:04 by kyle