You should try thinking more positively! While it's true that stripping down and smearing oneself with bacon fat might make one more attractive to bears, it also helps avoid being caught by any. Try and use that.

Escapists are slippery, tricky bastards that are extraordinarily difficult to pin down or contain. While the archetype doesn't have a lot of options for enhancing movement, it has unparalleled usefulness in the niche of preventing movement and freedom from being taken away.

Escapist You're a slippery one.
caret-right Contortionist Fit where you shouldn't be able.
caret-right Lemmiwinks Escape the impossible.
caret-right Scuttle Move after being attacked.
caret-right Sidestep No cover to enemies, more cover to yourself.
caret-right Unbound Immunity to being grabbed or stuck.


Movement plus-circleSqueeze By: You may freely move through (but not stop inside) spaces occupied by your allies and neutral parties that are willing to let you through. Such creatures do not impede or slow you at all.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleArtful Dodger: You may also pass through (but not stop inside) spaces occupied by enemies or other creatures that are unwilling to allow you to simply slide on by.

minus-circleSlower Going: You take an impairment to movement when entering a space occupied by an enemy.
Movement plus-circleHelpful Slide: Your allies can also pass freely through your space. You still act as a barrier to enemies as normal.
Limitation minus-circleStay Light: You cannot benefit from any ability in the Escapist archetype while carrying anything more than a light load.

doubledPowerhouse Exemption: If you also have the Powerhouse archetype, you can ignore this limitation.


Movement plus-circleSqueeze Down: You can occupy space and pass through gaps as if you were one size smaller than you actually are. While squeezing yourself down, you take an impairment to movement and +2 damage from all attacks.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleLiquid Form: You can choose to squeeze yourself down even further for a round, acting as if you were two or more size categories smaller than you actually are.

minus-circleGrease Up: Acting as if you were two or more size categories smaller than your actual size costs 1 Mojo for every size category smaller beyond the first you wish to emulate. For example, acting as 2 sizes smaller costs 1 Mojo per round, and acting as 4 sizes smaller costs 3 Mojo per round.


Protection plus-circleImpossible Escape: As an action, you can escape from impossible circumstances (such as a sealed room, a buried coffin, or the stomach of a monster that devoured you alive). You end up right outside whatever was previously holding you in.

minus-circleBreakouts Only: You cannot use Lemmiwinks to escape into anything (such as to get through a locked door), only escape out of situations that would likely kill you.

minus-circleMojo: Making an impossible escape costs 1 Mojo.
Social plus-circleIrish Goodbye: You can escape from awkward social situations whenever you'd like by creating a momentary distraction and then ghosting.
Protection plus-circleThe Greatest Escape: You're so slippery even Death struggles to catch you. When your Flesh is reduced to 0 and you make a Death & Dismemberment check to see whether you die or are injured, you may roll twice and take whichever result you like better.


Movement plus-circleWoop Woop Woop: Every time you are attacked, you may move 1 meter immediately afterward. It doesn't matter if the attack succeeded or failed, and you can move any direction you want.


Protection plus-circleDon't Mind Me: You are skilled at not getting in your allies' way. Enemies never gain cover (partial or full) from having you in between them and an attacker.
Protection plus-circleSuck It In: You present a minimal target to enemies as well as allies. You treat all partial cover (solid objects between you and an attacker, failure chance 6) as full cover (attacks against you are mostly impossible) instead.


Protection plus-circleUncatchable: You are completely immune to the Grabbed condition (unless you don't want to be). If you allow yourself to be caught, you can get un-caught again any time as a free action, even when it's not your turn.
Protection plus-circleUnsnareable: You are also completely immune to certain other effects that prevent movement from the following list (plus whatever else seems appropriate to the referee, like giant spiderwebs or whatever):
Archer: Nail Down
Earthshaker: Earthgrasp
Lancer: Standstill
Condition Explanation
tentacle Grabbed minus-circle Grabber and grabbed are connected in some way; neither of them can move without dragging the other along for the ride. The distance between grabber and grabbed is always at maximum the same as the range of whatever ability caused the grab in the first place.

minus-circle If grabber or grabbed are small enough for the other to carry, they can be dragged. This causes encumbrance if both are the same size.

minus-circle The grabber can choose to end the effect as a free action during their turn.

minus-circle The grabber ignores the effects of cover and concealment in regards to the target they've grabbed.

plus-circle Unlike other conditions, the target can choose to skip the automatic recovery roll at the end of their turn for Grabbed if desired.

minus-circle Unlike other conditions, the Grabbed condition stacks. A single creature can be grabbed by multiple different other creatures and thus have multiple versions of the Grabbed condition in place on them at once, all of which are recovered from separately.