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Why do they wear such bizarre and meager clothing? Let me put it this way: if you don't have the self-confidence to be a stripper, you definitely don't have the self-confidence to be a sorcerer.

Manifestors rewrite reality at will, making this archetype both incredibly versatile and very powerful in the hands of a creative player. A Manifestor's power, however, draws not only on their resources but upon their very sanity in the form of accumulating Stress. You might consider also taking levels as a Steadfast or Doper in order to better manage your mental condition (although the latter archetype carries its own risks as well), or just lean into the fact you're going to have high Stress levels and become a Lunatic.

Manifestor Briefly edit reality.
caret-right Alteration Change something's properties.
caret-right Cornucopia Create resources.
caret-right Genesis Create living things.
caret-right Preserver Grant temporary invincibility.
caret-right Rub Out Remove things.


Utility plus-circleMake Manifest: The world reshapes itself to match your desires. As an action, you can create nearly any object at any location within 10 meters. Objects created in this way are 100% real and act exactly like normal objects of their type would.

plus-circleNearly Anything: Your creations can be as specific or as opulent as you like, such as “a diamond the size of a fist” or “a masterpiece painting of Lord Toastwanker getting spanked by gimp-suited crocodiles in a gilded frame”. You can even create things that are extremely rare or borderline nonexistant such as “powdered snake fingernails” or “liquid shadows.”

minus-circleLimits: Any object you create cannot be larger than you are. You cannot create animate creatures, only objects. You cannot create artifacts (as from the Artificer archetype) from nothing, but you can create fully-functional duplicates of other artifacts you've seen during the current session. You cannot effectively create keystones.

minus-circleShort Term: Reality has a way of snapping back into place after you've bent it. Anything created by a Manifestor disappears at the end of the exploration turn.

minus-circleStress: Altering what exists is rough on your sanity. Using Manifestor to change reality causes you to immediately gain 1 point of Stress.

minus-circleMojo: Changing reality with Manifestor costs 1 Mojo.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleAlchemanifest: You can make your created objects permanent. They won't disappear at the end of the exploration turn, but can still be destroyed by anything that would normally be capable of destroying them.

minus-circleEquivalent Exchange: Making a creation permanent requires you to spend an amount of Dosh equal to the created item's value. The referee might have to arbitrate the value of particularly weird or unusual items.


Utility plus-circleChange: You may change the properties or appearance of any object or creature within 10 meters as an action. This effectively allows you to add or replace one adjective applying to that object/creature of your choice- for example, you can change its color, shape, material, buoyancy, ugliness, hunger level, sleepiness, etc as you please.

plus-circleAlter Size: You can change a subject's size with this ability, but no more than one size category larger or smaller than its true size.

minus-circleManifestor Limits: Alterations made with this ability revert back to normal at the end of the current exploration turn as usual. You cannot alter any object/creature that is bigger than you are.

minus-circleManifestor Costs: Changing reality with this ability costs 1 Mojo and causes you to accumulate 1 Stress.


Utility plus-circleSanity Engine: You create whatever you need as you go, and can sustain yourself with will alone. Whenever you would spend a point of any resource (Provisions, Supplies, Mojo) you can choose to spend nothing and accumulate 1 Stress instead. This ability allows you to use resource-consuming abilities even when you don't have any appropriate resources available at all.


Utility plus-circleCreate Life: You can manifest living creatures as well as inanimate objects. Manifested creatures can have any species and/or appearance that you desire.

plus-circleAmiable: Created creatures act as normal for their kind. They will assist you with almost anything you want if they're capable of understanding language.

plus-circleSkilled: If it matters, a manifested creature's level is at most half of your own (round down) and they can have any archetype/ability that makes sense for them to have. For example, a manifested dog will probably have the Scent ability from the Ranger archetype. Your referee might require you to limit yourself to manifesting only creatures that already exist in the campaign world and have available statistic blocks to refer to.

minus-circlePacifistic: Manifested creatures will avoid danger and fighting if at all possible. Telling them that they will stop existing soon might cause them to have a breakdown if they're self-aware enough to understand death, so it's generally better not to mention such things.

minus-circleManifestor Limits: Creatures created with this ability stop existing at the end of the current exploration turn as usual. You cannot create any creatures that are bigger than you are.

minus-circleManifestor Costs: Changing reality with this ability costs 1 Mojo and causes you to accumulate 1 Stress.


Protection plus-circleStasis: You can suspend unwanted change on a subject of your choice of your own size or smaller within 10 meters as an action. That subject becomes completely immune to any and all damage, conditions, or other negative effects.

plus-circleHubris: If the subject of this ability is yourself, then using it is a free action during your regular turn.

minus-circleAll Too Brief: Unlike other manifestations, Preserver's effects last only until the beginning of your next turn.

minus-circleManifestor Costs: Changing reality with this ability costs 1 Mojo and causes you to accumulate 1 Stress.

Rub Out

Utility plus-circleBegone: You can remove something from reality that you don't care for. Any object within 10 meters simply ceases to exist until the end of the current exploration turn, whereupon it reappears again where it used to be.

minus-circleCarry Nothing: If you rub out an object that's being carried or worn by a creature, it reappears at the end of the exploration turn wherever that creature was at the time. If the creature has moved to a different location in the interim, it doesn't reappear in their inventory.

minus-circleLimits: You cannot rub out creatures, only objects. Objects that are an integral part of a creature's archetypes or abilities (such as a Gunslinger's gun) are likewise immune to removal. You cannot rub out objects that are larger than you are, but you can rub out you-sized chunks of larger objects with repeated applications of the ability.

minus-circleManifestor Costs: Changing reality with this ability costs 1 Mojo and causes you to accumulate 1 Stress.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleEmbrace the Void: You can temporarily remove creatures (including everything they are holding or carrying) from reality, even yourself. Removed creatures reappear as normal at the end of the exploration turn and remember nothing from the brief time in which they didn't exist.

minus-circleWills Aligned: You can only use your power on creatures in this way if they are willing.
manifestor.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/19 11:00 by kyle