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Stop whining and eat your baby scorpion porridge! If you don't want any that's more for me.

A Ranger is a master of bushcraft, capable of living comfortably far away from civilization and possessing several tricks for overcoming the challenges of the wild. Animals are nearly universally rangers, but among “civilized” humans it's a somewhat rarer archetype. Note that an adventurer doesn't necessarily need to leave the city in order to take advantage of the Ranger archetype; scavenging can be done out of dumpsters as easily as from the bush.

Ranger Survive in the wild.
caret-right Avoidance Evade random encounters.
caret-right Pathfinder Never get lost.
caret-right Scavenger Find more stuff in more places.
caret-right Scent Have a keen sense of smell.
caret-right Weather Eye Predict and control the weather.


Utility plus-circleForage: You can greatly supplement your normal diet via foraging. You no longer need to spend Provisions to feed yourself.

minus-circleLushlander: Your foraging only works when in environments with a large amount of other life. Sparse environments such as deserts, tundras, and so forth don't have enough forage for you to effectively feed yourself in.

minus-circleYou Only: The stuff you find to eat is likely to be much less palatable or even straight-up indigestible to your companions. Only you benefit from your foraging, even when others are eating from your rations.
Utility plus-circleStockpile: If you spend a day hunting and gathering in a lush environment, you find 1-3 of any single resource of your choice (Provisions, Supplies, Mojo). Roll a die- 1-4: 1, 5-8: 2, 9+: 3. These are considered normal resources and you can freely share them with anybody else.

minus-circleFull-Time Job: You can't accomplish much else during a day of scavenging. It's hard work.

minus-circleLimited: You can scavenge for resources only once per session.
Utility plus-circleRough It: You always gain the benefits of having a Survival Gear item in your inventory (avoid Stress points from sleeping rough or exposure to unpleasant environments) without actually having to possess one.


Utility plus-circleBrush By: By reading the signs and keeping your eyes open, you can avoid encounters. When your party would normally run into a random encounter with another creature(s), you can immediately choose to negate it; you and the encounter simply pass by each other without them noticing you.

minus-circleMojo: Evading a random encounter costs 1 Mojo. You must spend the Mojo before any reaction checks are made.


Utility plus-circleDirection Sense: You always know which direction is which and how to get back to any place you've been before, no matter how disorienting your environment is.
Utility plus-circleThis Is The Way: You take no impairment to daily move speed when traveling overland through wilderness region hexes. This benefit also extends to any reasonably small group you are traveling with that you can act as a guide for. Combat movement is unaffected by Pathfinder.
Utility plus-circleTerrain Master: If you get into a random encounter while traveling in the wilderness, you can add one feature to the battlemap of your choice (like a big tree, small chasm, mud hole, etc).

minus-circleLaw of Reasonable: You can only use Pathfinder to add features that wouldn't be out of place in whatever sort of terrain you're traveling in. The referee can veto anything too outrageous.


Utility plus-circleExtreme Scavenge: You can scavenge for resources even in sparse, hostile terrain types such as deserts or tundra. The only types of terrain in which you cannot scavenge at all are those utterly devoid of life and useful matter, such as the void of space.

plus-circleUltravore: You can similarly feed yourself without having to spend Provisions in any kind of environment that you could scavenge in.
Utility plus-circleMore Stuff: You can successfully spend a day scavenging for resources up to three times per session instead of only once.


Utility plus-circleSniff Sniff: You have a highly-developed sense of smell. You can identify the presence of unusual smells within 5 meters, and identify the precise location of their source with an action. You can recognize the smells of types of creature or specific individuals if you've encountered them before.

plus-circleScent Trail: Smells linger in an area for a few hours even after their source has left, allowing you a limited form of tracking by smell.

minus-circleWater-Ruined: Your scent abilities don't work underwater, and anything that passes through water has its lingering scent ruined.

minus-circleWindblown: If there is a powerful wind blowing, your ability to smell things is altered. You may only smell things within 2 meters downwind from your location, but out to 10 meters upwind of your location.

doubledShark Snout: If you have the Mariner archetype, scents are no longer ruined in water.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleWide Smell: You can choose to take note of any unusual smells within 50 meters of your position instead of the normal 5. This range is altered to 20 meters when downwind or 100 meters upwind. This effect lasts until the beginning of your next turn.

minus-circleMojo: Momentarily extending your sense of smell to a wide range costs 1 Mojo.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleOld Smell: You can choose to carefully sniff out any very old, nearly imperceptible smells in your current area. You can smell traces of anything that's been through your area within the past few days instead of few hours.

minus-circleMojo: Picking up old smells costs 1 Mojo.

Weather Eye

Utility plus-circleForecast: You can predict the weather with perfect accuracy. If you ever want to know what the weather will be like in the next couple of game days, ask the referee and they'll tell you. If you get caught in adverse weather conditions (storms, fog, etc) you always have time to prepare.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleStormcaller: If you wish, you can select exactly which kind of weather will appear the next day instead of merely predicting it. Cover your approach with heavy fog, bog down enemy armies in the snow, or whatever other uses you can come up with.

minus-circleMojo: Controlling the weather costs Mojo. Typical weather patterns for the area cost 1 Mojo per day, whereas very unusual weather patterns for an area (snow in the desert, raining blood, etc type stuff) cost 5 Mojo per day.
ranger.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/19 12:25 by kyle