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I learned long ago to cover my back and attack from behind.

Vigilants are twitchy, perhaps even paranoid. Considering how often they end up in danger, this makes them perfectly sane, rational individuals. Branching out into the Vigilant archetype is useful to any adventurer that wants to come home again or simply those who love to strike first.

Vigilant Watch out for danger.
caret-right Click Avoid traps.
caret-right Concentration Manage single conditions.
caret-right Opening Strike Deal heavy damage to the flat-footed.
caret-right Retreat Escape quickly from danger.
caret-right Whirl Turn to face attacks from behind.


Utility plus-circleImproved Initiative: You always get two actions in the opening round without having to roll for initiative at all.

plus-circleDifferent For NPCs: Because NPCs don't roll for initiative, the Vigilant archetype functions differently for them. An NPC with the Vigilant archetype gets to take one action before rolling for initiative even happens.
Protection plus-circleLight Sleeper: You can be woken up by the slightest thing out of the ordinary. Abilities and effects that would mask a creature's noise or presence to an awake person (such as the Shadow archetype) still work against you, but no more effectively than they would if you were awake.
Protection plus-circleNever Off-Guard: You are completely immune to the Vulnerable condition.
Limitation minus-circleStay Light: You cannot benefit from any ability in the Vigilant archetype while carrying anything more than a light load.

doubledPowerhouse Exemption: If you also have the Powerhouse archetype, you can ignore this limitation.
falling Vulnerable minus-circle All incoming weapon attacks deal +2 damage.


Protection plus-circleOut Of Danger: If you personally trigger a trap, landmine, pressure-plate or other mechanism by moving over/near it, roll a trigger die. If the result is a 7+ you may make a single free move action immediately before the mechanism goes off (quite likely allowing you to get out of harm's way entirely).

plus-circleSaw That Coming: If you already knew a trap was there before triggering it, you always succeed at dodging it without needing to roll a trigger die.

minus-circleJust You: You do not get this defense against traps triggered by others.

minus-circleDodge Backwards: If you trigger more traps as part of your free movement, you are not protected from them.


Protection plus-circleRisk Management: When rolling a trigger die to remove a condition you are personally suffering from for any reason (including as part of a recovery action or automatically at the end of each round), you can roll twice and take whichever result you prefer.

minus-circleOverwhelming Trouble: You only gain the benefits of Concentration when you are suffering from a single condition at a time. If you have two or more conditions, you must roll to get rid of them normally (at least until you've gotten rid of all but one of them).

Opening Strike

Offense plus-circleSurprise, Motherfucker: You deal +5 damage with all weapon attacks against targets that have not yet taken an action in the current conflict.

minus-circleFlat-Footed Only: Once a creature has taken any actions, this ability no longer functions against them.

minus-circleNarrow Window: Once Escalation reaches 2 or more, this ability no longer functions at all.


Movement plus-circleGone Baby Gone: At any point during your turn, you can choose to move as a free action. You may do this multiple times per turn.

minus-circleLive Chicken, Dead Lion: Your free movement must end with you equidistant or further away from all enemies you are aware of than you were before. If there are enemies in every direction, Retreat doesn't work.

minus-circleMojo: Roll a trigger die when using Retreat to run away. If the result is 1-6, then it cost 1 Mojo. You can't use Retreat if you have no Mojo remaining.


Protection plus-circleDervish: Every time you are attacked from behind, roll a trigger die. If the result is a 7+, you turn to face your attacker immediately before the attack lands and thus deny your attacker their backstab bonus (if any).

doubledShield Synergy: Shields from the Shieldbearer archetype protect you from attacks in your visual field. If you have a shield up, your shield's protection applies in whatever direction you happen to be facing at the time, allowing you to cover your back more effectively.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleDesperate Whirl: You can choose to turn to meet an attack even when your trigger die result is 1-6.

minus-circleExertion: Every time you choose to whirl when the trigger die is unfavorable, you lose a point of Energy.
vigilant.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/16 10:40 by kyle