Utility | plus-circleImproved Initiative: You always get two actions in the opening round without having to roll for initiative at all. plus-circleDifferent For NPCs: Because NPCs don't roll for initiative, the Vigilant archetype functions differently for them. An NPC with the Vigilant archetype gets to take one action before rolling for initiative even happens. |
Protection | plus-circleLight Sleeper: You can be woken up by the slightest thing out of the ordinary. Abilities and effects that would mask a creature's noise or presence to an awake person (such as the Shadow archetype) still work against you, but no more effectively than they would if you were awake. | |
Protection | plus-circleNever Off-Guard: You are completely immune to the Vulnerable condition. | |
Limitation | minus-circleStay Light: You cannot benefit from any ability in the Vigilant archetype while carrying anything more than a light load. doubledPowerhouse Exemption: If you also have the Powerhouse archetype, you can ignore this limitation. |