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Make something of myself, you say? The mind boggles at the possibilities. I could pet so many more dogs at once.

Duplicators make illusionary copies of themselves to mislead and confuse those who would do them harm, essentially making self-defense into a shell game. While the combat uses of such an ability are obvious, a devious and creative player could no doubt find many other applications for such a trick.

Duplicator Make decoy selves.
caret-right Homunculi Closer to life.
caret-right Proxy Act through a decoy.
caret-right Stable They last longer and go further.
caret-right Switcharoonie Swap places defensively.
caret-right Triptych Double the decoys.


Protection plus-circleMirror Image: As an action, you create an illusionary duplicate of yourself in any adjacent space that looks, moves, sounds, and acts exactly like you. You can have as many duplicates at a time as you want.

plus-circleSwitcheroo: When you create a duplicate, you can choose to create it in the space you are currently occupying and move yourself into any adjacent space.Nobody can tell just from watching you create a duplicate exactly which one of you is real and which is not.

plus-circleConfusion: Nobody can tell you apart from your duplicate, including attackers- they'll have to guess which is the real you or just pick randomly (the referee always picks randomly). Duplicates cannot use any abilities or attacks, but will pretend to every time you do in order to hide which of you is real. Duplicates are immune to all conditions, but will look/act like they have any conditions that you have.

plus-circleHerding Me: Whenever you take a move action, you can have all your duplicates take a move action as well. Your duplicates can move as fast as you do and have access to any movement-enhancing abilities that you do.

plus-circleIncorporeal: Duplicates are mostly immaterial and cannot meaningfully interact with the physical environment in any way (although they can certainly pretend to).

minus-circleEchoes and Shadow: Your duplicates fool only vision and hearing. Touching a duplicate reveals its true nature, as does using any other sense. If a creature has any extraordinary sense from one of its abilities (such as but not limited to the Ranger's Scent, the Burrower's Tremorsense, or the Undead's Lifesight) then it is not fooled by this ability and can easily tell the real thing from the fakes.

minus-circleShort-Lived: Duplicates expire naturally on their own at the end of the current exploration turn. If a duplicate takes any amount of damage for any reason before its natural expiration, it is immediately destroyed.

minus-circleLimited Autonomy: Your duplicates go where you go and do what you do. They cannot ever get more than 5 meters away from either you or another duplicate of you, and if circumstances force them to do so they are instantly destroyed at the end of your next turn. Duplicates are not self-aware and cannot hold a conversation for long, as they just spout random phrases that you also tend to say.

minus-circleSupplies: Roll a trigger die whenever you create a duplicate with this ability. If the result is 1-3, then doing so costs 1 Supplies. You cannot create duplicates if you have no Supplies remaining.


Utility plus-circleBlood Drops: You can create duplicates out of your own energy rather than your supplies. Every time you create a duplicate, you can choose to spend one Energy instead of rolling to (potentially) spend Supplies. Energy invested in a duplicate in this manner cannot be reclaimed or healed back in any way until the duplicate is destroyed, but once the duplicate is destroyed you instantly heal it back. You can choose to destroy a decoy (and reclaim the invested Energy) freely at any time during your turn if desired. Creating duplicates in this manner does not require you to have any Supply remaining.
Protection plus-circleLife Seeming: Your duplicates are much more real than most- not only do they look and sound like you, they also can fool any other senses as well such as touch, smell, special ability senses, whatever.

plus-circleWeight and Heft: Your duplicates' semi-real nature also gives them a limited ability to affect the physical world: each has a single inventory slot they can use to carry an object. If their inventory slot is unfilled, they can perform minor physical actions such as pressing buttons, opening doors, or similar as you direct.

plus-circleImproved Technique: You gain all benefits of this ability regardless of whether you choose to create duplicates via Energy or Supplies.


Utility plus-circleUseful Limbs: You may use any ability through one of your duplicates instead of personally. The ability still requires an action and/or resources as normal, but it occurs from the location of one of your duplicates instead of from your own location. This can be useful to get a more advantageous angle, extend effective range, or just to further confuse onlookers as to which one of you is real.

minus-circleStrain: Roll a trigger die whenever you have a duplicate take an action for you (or if the action they're taking involves rolling a trigger die for any reason, just use the results of that one). If the result is 1-6, the duplicate making the action for you is destroyed immediately afterwards.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleMaintenance: You can choose to prevent a duplicate from being destroyed as a consequence of using another ability through it.

minus-circleSupplies: Preserving a duplicate that would have otherwise been destroyed costs 1 Supplies.


Utility plus-circleRoaming Crowd: Your duplicates can move up to 20 meters away from your true position or from each other before being destroyed instead of only 5 meters.
Utility plus-circleEnduring Crowd: All attacks and effects have a failure chance of 6 against your duplicates, sometimes preventing them from being instantly destroyed by an attack. Failed attacks still seem to “damage” the decoy appropriately, making it seem like the attack was both effective and on-target (i.e. made against you).


Protection plus-circleAlways the Last Place You Look: If you are targeted with an attack or other undesirable situation, you can choose to switch places with any of your duplicates. The switch happens instantly right before the triggering event, leaving your duplicate to suffer it and you unscathed (probably).

minus-circleShort Range: You can only switch with any duplicates that are within 5 meters of your true location.

minus-circleSupplies: Switching with a duplicate in this way costs 1 point of Supplies.


Protection plus-circleThis is Getting Out of Hand: Every time you create a duplicate, you create two of them instead. This does not increase any of the associated costs in actions or resources.
duplicator.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/07 10:05 by kyle