Plenty of fantastical creatures masquerade as harmless rocks, such as gnomes, oreads, and lobsters. Less common but no less infuriating are the rocks that masquerade as creatures, the ranks of which I am beginning to suspect you belong to.
Gaians wield the element of earth without necessarily being earthy themselves. If you're resistant to attacks due to being made of stone, the Tank or Adamant archetype are a better fit. If you pass through earth and stone with ease, check out Burrower. If you mold and reshape the terrain, you're probably a Geomancer. If you straight up hit people with rocks, then you're probably a Basher or maybe a Thrower. If you know weird earth-themed magic with a primordial flavor, you're in the right place.
Gaian | Wield earth energy. | |
caret-right | Antaeus | The earth regenerates you. |
caret-right | Midas | Turn the petrified to treasures. |
caret-right | Pliancy | Prevent and reverse petrification. |
caret-right | Stoneskin | Statuify yourself. |
caret-right | Stonespeech | Talk to stones. |
Offense | plus-circleCasting Stone: As an action, you may inflict the Petrifying condition on any subject within throwing range (0-10 meters). minus-circleWeaponized: This ability suffers failure chances from cover, concealment, and size differences between yourself and your target just like weapon attacks do. minus-circleSupplies: Roll a trigger die when inflicting the Petrifying condition this way. If the result is 1-3, then doing so costs 1 Supplies. You cannot use this ability if you have no Supplies remaining. |
Offense | plus-circleCockatrice: You know how to enhance your weapons with a fossilizing curse. Whenever you make any weapon attack and the trigger die is 10+, you inflict the Petrifying condition to your target in addition to all of that attack's normal effects (damage, conditions, etc). plus-circleMake Statues: Any subject that you strike the killing blow on (regardless of the trigger die result) is turned to stone, creating a lifelike statue instead of a corpse. minus-circleMonoelemental: Your weapon attacks can only inflict a single elemental condition on a 10+ at a time. If you have levels in multiple elemental archetype, you pick which condition your 10+ trigger die attacks inflict each time. |
Condition | Explanation | |
guarded-tower | Petrifying | minus-circle If all Energy is lost for any reason, immediately and permanently turn to stone. minus-circle Stone creatures cannot take any actions at all, even free actions. plus-circle The three combat statistics (Melee, Remote, Whelm) of a petrified subject are all treated as being equal to the subject's level for purposes of defense. plus-circle All conditions on petrified subjects are suspended and cannot be recovered from. Conditions that deal damage over time or otherwise carry potential negative consequences when the recovery roll is too low such as Choking or Bleeding are totally harmless for petrified subjects. |
Protection | plus-circleProtect Me, Mother: The earth recognizes you as its own, and feeds you energy so long as you stay still to receive it. At the beginning of each turn, you automatically regain 2 points of lost Energy. Energy from this ability is regained immediately after regaining lost Attention, meaning that the Energy does not come with matching Attention to cover it. minus-circleSlow Contact: In order to gain the benefits of the Antaeus ability, you cannot have moved from your current position at all during the previous round (either voluntarily or involuntarily). minus-circleSolid Medium: In order to gain the benefits of Antaeus, you must currently be in contact with a solid surface (no jumping, flying, swimming, or similar). The surface in question doesn't technically HAVE to be the ground, but it must be solid. |
Utility | plus-circleWealth of the Earth: Your petrified victims occasionally result in items of rare beauty- a glistening face of horror, a minutely-detailed stone filagree, or perhaps a crystallized gemstone heart. When anybody rolls to loot a subject that you have permanently petrified and gets a result of 7+, you gain one treasure item in addition to whatever else you would normally obtain. minus-circleCurator's Touch: Removing the valuable bits from a statue is slow and exacting work. Looting a subject in this way requires one procedure of time per loot roll instead of being an action. If you choose to simply loot a subject the normal fast way, you cannot later try for the extra treasure by making another loot roll; what's done is done. plus-circleTeam Effort: Since you do not need to personally make the loot roll to benefit from this ability, your allies can help save time if you have multiple loot rolls you'd like to make but don't want to spend an entire procedure for each by doing them one-by-one. minus-circleShattered Lives: Removing the valuable bits from a statue irrevocably disfigures it. When an extended loot roll is made on a petrified subject with this ability, the subject is broken and cannot ever be restored via the Pliancy ability or by any other means. They dead for real, son. |
Sidebar: Looting |
When treasure and other valuable rewards need to be generated on the fly, the referee may call for a looting roll. This most often happens when you're going through the pockets of a defeated foe and helping yourself to the contents. You can roll once per 5 levels of a defeated creature and get everything that comes up (so creatures of level 1-4 never yield any loot, but creatures of level 5-9 give one loot roll, level 10-14 give two loot rolls, and so on). Looting rolls are not trigger dice and thus cannot have their values changed by any archetype that alters the result of trigger dice. What you roll is what you get, period. |
Check | Loot |
1-3 | Nothing |
4 | Provisions |
5 | Supplies |
6 | Mojo |
7-8 | Dosh |
9-10 | Keystone |
11-12 | Treasure |
Keystones looted from a creature always correspond to one of the archetypes that creature has training in (referee's choice).
Protection | plus-circleYou Jelly, Bro: You are completely immune to the Petrifying condition. | |
Protection | plus-circleGolden Needles: You can reverse petrification as a procedure, restoring a permanently petrified subject back to normal. minus-circleTool Cost: Roll a trigger die when you reverse petrification. If the result is 1-3, then doing so costs 1 Supplies. You cannot use this ability if you have no Supplies remaining. |
Protection | plus-circleGet Hard: As an action, you can turn yourself to stone. Unlike being turned to stone via the Petrifying condition, this is both voluntary and easily reversible. You gain all the side-effects of being stone (increased defenses, harder to move, cannot take actions, suspended conditions) as normal. plus-circleGet Soft: As an action, you may reverse the process and return to normal. This is the only action you can choose to take while using Stoneskin to make yourself into a statue; all other actions are impossible as normal. plus-circleAwareness: You are fully aware of what's going on around you when you're a statue, allowing you to choose when to turn back and when to stay stone. minus-circleNo Protection: You have no special protection from the Petrifying condition. If you are petrified against your will, you cannot change back using Stoneskin. |
Protection | plus-circleDormancy Rocks: You take the form of a statue automatically when you are asleep, passed out, or otherwise unconscious. You return to normal automatically when you wake up. | |
Social | plus-circleWhat The Earth Knows: You can speak to stones. Stones will generally be willing to answer any questions you have so long as you promise to do them a favor (referee decides or rolls on the “What Does This Stone Want” table below). minus-circleSlow: Asking a single question and getting an answer from a stone requires an entire procedure of time. This is extremely slow from a human perspective, but still blindingly fast from a stone's. They literally can't go any faster than that. minus-circleMineral Mindset: Stones don't perceive the world the same way you do. Most living things look the same to them: a formless blur, here and gone in an instant. Stones are extremely well-informed about the local terrain and can speak in great detail about irregularities in its makeup and how it has changed in the past few thousand years. |
Social | plus-circleAwaken: You can also speak to subjects that have been petrified. This is just as slow as speaking to a regular stone, but you don't have to deal with a stone's alien mindset or bizarre whims. Most petrified subjects desperately want to be unpetrified and will tell you whatever you want to know (or whatever they think you want to hear) in exchange for such, but some might tell you to go fuck yourself just like any other interrogation. | |
Sidebar: What Does This Stone Want? | |
1 | Sacrifice. Use the stone to crush something alive and struggling. |
2 | Destruction. Crush or break the stone into smaller parts. One step closer to sedimentation and rebirth. |
3 | Reformation. Carve the stone into something beautiful (or just unusual, if that's all you can handle). |
4 | Burial. Put the stone somewhere it won't have to be bothered with your kind for a while. Bottom of a well, maybe. |
5 | Adventure. Take the stone with you for the rest of the current session. Occupies an inventory slot if it's small enough to be carried, otherwise you might need a wagon or something. |
6 | Sensation. Envelop the stone in flesh. Touch it on all sides at once. Doesn't have to be for long. |
7 | Revenge. Disrespect another nearby stone. |
8 | Friends. Bring the stone a new friend- another stone of a significantly different type. |
9 | Transport. Move the stone to a new location nearby. The stone will tell you where. |
10 | Respect. Put the stone in an admirable place. |
11 | Stories. Tell it about somewhere you've been that it hasn't. Stones are easily impressed, but not always by the same things you are. |
12 | Peace. Doesn't really care about much of anything, will answer your questions to make you go away. |