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She said she wanted space, so I left her alone. Turns out I totally misunderstood.

The Spacer's usefulness as an archetype is directly proportional to the amount of time a given campaign spends in space, and many campaigns never go there at all. If you're not playing in a space-opera game, you can probably skip this archetype entirely in favor of other options. If you are, then you should strongly consider spending at least one level here but as usual you can do what you want.

Spacer Mastery in space.
caret-right Accelerator Move more freely.
caret-right Gravinduction Gravity when you want it.
caret-right Leverage Massive strength and range.
caret-right Voidproof Fear not the vacuum.
caret-right Zero-G Combat Fight well in no gravity.


Movement plus-circleFast Glide: When you push off a solid surface in a microgravity environment, you don't take any impairment on movement speed and can accelerate yourself at speeds of up to your normal movement speed (5 meters in most cases).

minus-circleUncontrollable Trip: The Spacer ability only allows for full-speed microgravity gliding; once you start floating in a given direction you still can't stop until you run into/grab another solid object that can arrest your movement.
caret-right Alternative plus-circleSelf-Propulsion: You can “push off” in whatever direction you want, even if you don't have a solid surface nearby to do so from. This allows you to add or remove any amount of acceleration you want.

minus-circleSupplies: Every time you push off of nothing, roll a trigger die. If the result is 1-3, then doing so costs 1 Supplies. You cannot move freely in this way if you have no Supplies remaining.
Protection plus-circleSpace Defense: Attacks made against you while you're in microgravity no longer deal +2 bonus damage.
Sidebar: Space
Awkwardness: All attacks made against creatures floating in microgravity deal +2 damage.

Zero-G Movement: When you're in microgravity, you can move in one of two different ways: crawling along a solid surface (move with two impairments) or push off a solid surface (move with one impairment). Pushing off costs an action and allows you to move in any direction you choose, even “up” or “down”.

Continued Momentum: Momentum is not lost in space. After pushing off, you continue traveling the same direction at the same speed as before at the beginning of each new round before taking actions. This additional movement costs you nothing and happens whether you want it to or not. You cannot stop or change directions except by running into another solid object.

Vector Addition: If you gain more velocity while moving in space, it is added to the velocity you already had. For example, if you were traveling 1 meter/round straight forward and then something happened to make you move 1 meter/round to the right, your new velocity moves you one meter forward AND one meter to the right every round. Adding velocity in the exact opposite direction that you are already traveling simply cancels out- 1 meter/round forward and 1 meter/round backwards means you don't move at all.

Combat: When making attacks in microgravity and the trigger die is 1-3, you spin out of control and gain a failure chance of 6 with all further attacks until you get the chance to stabilize yourself against something solid. Stabilizing yourself takes an action.

Vacuum Effects: Vacuum is an airless environment, imposing an unrecoverable Choking condition to those who enter it for as long as they stay just like other airless environments. Vacuum's harsh blend of depressurization, intense chill and background radiation also has the effect of removing 1 point of Flesh per round from those who enter it without any sort of protection.

Space Degeneration: Living long-term in zero gravity has bad effects on creatures meant for an environment with gravity in it- bones become fragile, muscle mass decreases, and various other problems can arise such as balance disorders. After every day of life in continuous zero gravity, a creature must roll a trigger die. If the result is a 1, their maximum Flesh is immediately reduced by 1 point. This can reduce a creature's maximum Flesh to 1 but not below 1. To regain lost maximum Flesh, the subject must spend a full week in a normal-gravity environment for every such point lost.


Movement plus-circleManeuvers: If you know any abilities that grant you movement that is not made as part of a normal movement action (such as Footwork from the Blade archetype or Vanguard from the Steadfast archetype), you may make those moves as normal even when floating far away from anything to push off from. You do not need to spend any Supplies to do this, it just happens.

minus-circleStill Cumulative: Any movement taken in this way still adds to your overall acceleration and is automatically repeated on every subsequent round until you stop yourself somehow.
Movement plus-circleCosmic Speed: What's really going to slow you down out here, anyway? Your movement rate in microgravity increases by 1 step on the 1→ 2→ 5→ 10→ 20→ 50→ etc scale.
Movement plus-circleEfficient Jetpack: When you make a move in microgravity without pushing off from anything, Supplies are lost on a trigger die result of 1 instead of 1-3.


Movement plus-circlePersonal Gravity: By spending an action, you can orient yourself to any large solid object in microgravity and act as if you had normal gravity in relation to that object (perhaps through magnetic boots, technobabble science-wizardry or some other kind of trickery). This allows you to stand, run and otherwise act normally on the surface of whatever you're standing on without any unusual impairments or weirdness, including the normal acceleration effect of movement made in microgravity. You are always generally perpendicular to the surface of whatever object you are on, which means your orientation might change drastically from the point of view of an observer watching you.

plus-circleWe Have Liftoff: You can un-stick yourself from a surface an start floating around again like normal as another action.

minus-circleThe Obvious Caveat: You cannot use this ability to walk on anything you want if you're not currently in microgravity. Once you're back planetside, your ceiling-running tricks just don't function anymore.

doubledSpaceship Gravity: If a vehicle has this ability, it can be assumed to possess some form of artificial gravity that affects everything inside it. This can be switched on or off as an action by the vehicle's pilot.
Protection plus-circleZero-G Lifestyle: You can remain in microgravity indefinitely with no chance to suffer any physical degeneration.


Utility plus-circleThe Right Spin: It turns out that inertia's much easier to overcome without gravity to get in your way. You act as a creature two sizes larger than you actually are for purposes of carrying the weight of other creatures/large objects around.
Offense plus-circleLongest Range: Throw something into the void, and it won't stop until it hits something. If you miss, it might take a billion years before it hits anything… but it will. You've learned to take advantage of this fact in order to greatly increase effective range with projectiles. All Remote weapons and any effect listed as having a range of “thrown” (0-10 meters, check the Thrown Effects Index for an exhaustive list) have their range increased by 2 steps on the 1→ 2→ 5→ 10→ 20→ 50→ etc scale.


Protection plus-circleSpacesuit: You do not gain the Choking condition while in vacuum, nor do you take Flesh damage each round you remain in it. Spacewalk to your heart's content.

doubledSpaceship Support: All space vehicles are assumed to have basic protection from vacuum anyway, or they'd be pretty worthless. Space vehicles that have this ability are instead built to be especially resistant to vacuum. If the vehicle is ever reduced to 0 Flesh, it does not fill with vacuum and its interior remains habitable (at least until the oxygen runs out). Any creatures left on the vehicle can attempt to effect repairs, and if at least 1 Flesh is restored to the vehicle it becomes fully operational again.

Zero-G Combat

Offense plus-circleVoid Predator: When attacking a creature in microgravity that does not have any levels in the Spacer archetype, your bonus damage is increased from +2 to +5. You still deal no bonus damage to fellow Spacers.
Protection plus-circleNo Spinout: Your weapon attacks in microgravity have no chance to cause you to spin out of control.
Offense plus-circleUpended: When you successfully strike any target with a weapon attack in microgravity and the trigger die is 10+, you cause them to destabilize and spin out. This effect is identical to spinning out of control due to their own attacks (failure chance of 6 on all weapon attacks until they take an action to stabilize themselves against something solid).
spacer.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/02 12:34 by kyle