
Weaknesses are powerful, ongoing drawbacks that make life harder for both adventurers and the foes they face. Having a weakness grants additional archetypes/abilities that don't count against the normal limit of one archetype/ability per level.

No matter what level you are, you always gain a minimum of +1 archetype/ability slot if you have one or more weaknesses.

If you somehow gain a new weakness, you also retroactively gain any new ability slots that your level would normally entitle you to. If you somehow lose a weakness, you lose some of your abilities until you have the appropriate amount.

Filling an empty ability slot you got from having a weakness requires an appropriate keystone just like leveling up does.

# Weakness Explanation
1-6/1 Anonymous minus-circleDON'T LOOK AT ME: You're weakened against those who know who you are or what you look like. While in the presence of somebody who has seen your true face or spoken your true name at any point during the current session (including allies), you get 1 action per round instead of the normal 2 and you reroll all trigger dice twice and take whichever result is lower.

minus-circleUnmasking: If you're wearing a mask to keep yourself more anonymous, others can try to remove it against your will. A creature that has inflicted the Grabbed condition to you can attempt to tear your mask off as an action; this requires them to roll a trigger die and get a result of 7+.
1-6/2 Awkward minus-circleWheeled: You're just not all that agile. You treat rough or uneven ground as difficult terrain, and can't use stairs (or anything else of equal roughness/slope) at all. Climbing is impossible for you.

minus-circleEXTRA FLOPPY: If you have one or more of the following archetypes, you're EXTRA FLOPPY and suffer additional, much greater drawbacks from this weakness:
- Flyer
- Mariner
- Spacer
- Teleporter
- Vehiclist

minus-circleIt sucks to be EXTRA FLOPPY: Being EXTRA FLOPPY makes gravity not your friend at all, giving you two impairments to default land-based movement and causing you to take +2 damage from all incoming attacks when you're on solid ground.
1-6/3 Blind minus-circleOne Less Sense: All spaces always have complete concealment for you. Any weapon capable of dealing additional damage on a backstab always does so against you regardless of where it comes from. You cannot visually distinguish the details of anything or read most text. It's strongly recommended for adventurers with this weakness to invest in abilities to partially negate it, such as the Striker's Blind-Fight, the Ranger's Scent, the Fool's Oblivious, or the Burrower's Tremorsense.
1-6/4 Dilettante minus-circleShallow Learner: You are incapable of sticking with anything long enough to get really good at it. You cannot ever learn an advanced ability from any archetype- every new level means a new archetype for you.

minus-circleFlighty Forgetting: If you somehow gain this weakness after having already learned some advanced abilities, you lose your capability to make any use of them.

plus-circleSwapout: You can consume a keystone of any archetype you don't have levels in to immediately trade one of your known advanced abilities for the new archetype.
1-6/5 Distracted minus-circleNot Ready For That: Adventurers with this weakness always have 0 actions during initiative rounds. This overrides the effects of the Vigilant archetype. Non-adventurers with this weakness take just 1 action during their first turn instead of the normal 2.

minus-circleOverlook: Any ability that requires a trigger die check in order to fool or take advantage of a subject (such as Charlatan, Illusionist, Shadow, Thief, etc) always succeeds against you automatically.
1-6/6 Drudge minus-circleYes, Master: You're either cursed or basically spineless, and are compelled to obey any order given to you by an authority figure (even enemy authority figures). If two such orders contradict each other, you follow the most recent one.
1-6/7 Frail minus-circleHollow-Boned: You take +2 damage from all attacks.
1-6/8 Frenzied minus-circleBlood for the Blood God: Once battle has begun you must spend all actions either attacking or putting yourself into a position that makes attacking possible (even if this is obviously a bad idea). You cannot stop fighting for any reason until either all enemies are defeated or you are.
1-6/9 Handless minus-circleJust Can't Get A Grip: You are incapable of fine manipulation. You can't do anything that requires hands (like using doorknobs, threading needles, pushing buttons, handling money, or elegantly sipping tea). Note that this also precludes the use of any other appendages capable of fine manipulation other than hands such as tentacles, trunks, tails, or telekinesis.
1-6/10 Hemophilia minus-circleHere I Go Bleeding Again: Whenever you are successfully attacked with any weapon, you immediately gain the Bleeding condition.

minus-circleMy Precious Oil: If you have the Adamant's Mechanical ability, it only protects you from the Choking condition and not the Bleeding one.
1-6/11 Indecisive minus-circleOh Gee, Um, Uh: Whenever you're making an important decision, you must make your choice randomly.

minus-circleHave It Out: You can avoid having to make decisions randomly by taking an entire procedure to agonize/argue with yourself.
1-6/12 Nightbound minus-circleThe Day Star: You immediately gain the Burning condition whenever you are exposed to direct sunlight (or other lights that mimic its properties), and cannot rid yourself of the Burning condition until you are hidden from it again. Wearing dark, heavy clothing is one workaround but anybody that inflicts the Grabbed condition to you can tear it off by spending an action and getting 7+ on a trigger die.

minus-circleAlways Flammable: You cannot ever learn or benefit from the Firebug's Fireproof ability.
7+/1 Pacifist minus-circleDo No Harm: You cannot bring yourself to hurt anybody or anything. You cannot ever make an attack or intentionally inflict any conditions.
7+/2 Panicky minus-circleOH SHIT: At the beginning of each turn in combat, you must roll a trigger die. If the result is equal to or less than the current Escalation, you immediately gain +1 Stress.
7+/3 Petite minus-circleTiny Frame: You're just not very strong. Your inventory is limited to six slots instead of ten (carrying more than three pushes into heavy encumbrance).

minus-circleTough to be a Fireman: You carry the weight of other creatures as a creature one size smaller than your true size.
7+/4 Profligate minus-circleWhoopsiedoodle: Every time you expend a point of any resource (Provisions, Supplies, Mojo) for any reason, roll a trigger die. If the result is 1-3, then you immediately lose another point of the same type of resource (if possible).
7+/5 Quenchable minus-circleWater Bad: You immediately gain the Dissolving condition whenever you get wet for any reason, and cannot rid yourself of the Dissolving condition until you are dry again. Might be a good idea to start packing a towel.

minus-circleAlways Soluble: You cannot ever learn or benefit from the Mordant's Insoluble ability.
7+/6 Ravenous minus-circleBottomless Hunger: You're so hungry, all the time. You must feed yourself twice per day instead of only once (and you accrue Stress for every meal missed as normal).

minus-circleOut of Control: If you are presented with an opportunity to feed, you are incapable of turning it down or walking away even if you've already had your double ration for the day. You are physically incapable of feeling full, ever.
7+/7 Sensitive minus-circleSuch Clangor: You are highly sensitive to noise, and immediately gain the Migrained condition whenever a loud noise occurs in your vicinity. Loud noises like gunshots do this automatically; enemies who know your weakness can also invoke it by taking an action to scream, shout, bang pots together or otherwise make a racket. You can recover from the Migrained condition normally.

minus-circleAlways Shakable: You cannot ever learn or benefit from the Thunderer's Muffle ability.
7+/8 Simple minus-circleStimulus, Response: You do not possess a sapient mind. You cannot use or understand any form of language (other than perhaps being trained to follow simple commands from trusted allies) and are incapable of abstract thought or complex tool use. You don't know how to open doors.
7+/9 Slowpoke minus-circleWhat's the Hurry: You have a permanent impairment to all movement taken via any means. This also applies to any vehicles you pilot.
7+/10 Synthetic minus-circleMetal over Meat: You are not organic life. You cannot restore Energy, restore Flesh, remove conditions, or reduce Stress via any ability from the following archetypes (all other ability features work as normal):
- Chef
- Doper
- Fecundite
- Healer
- Regenerator
- Ritualist
- Smoker

minus-circleMechs, Not Meds: You cannot benefit from the Hospice establishment's Clinic facility. You can get the same benefits from the Workshop establishment's Repair Shop facility, however.
7+/11 Tethered minus-circleHomebound: You cannot ever leave a certain area (such as a certain building, a geographical location like a pond, or similar). In a dungeon, you are bound to a certain node and can enter neighboring nodes, but cannot travel any further.
7+/12 Volatile minus-circleContents Under Pressure: Whenever you are critically hit by any attack, an explosion is triggered at your location that deals unreduceable damage equal to the current Escalation to you and everyone else within 5 meters of you (including both allies and enemies).

minus-circleFinal Burst: You automatically explode when killed, even if it wasn't by a critical hit.
  1. accident-prone: lose 1 Flesh when rolling a 1 on any trigger die
  2. compulsions: 1-3 lose one procedural action, check each turn
  3. hoarder: result of 1, gain Stress when spending any resource
  4. gullible: automatically believe any lie
  5. irritating: cannot make friends, nobody wants to associate with you
  6. phobia: being around something relatively common inflicts Stress on you once per procedural turn
  7. damp: spending time outside water inflicts Stress, especially dry areas inflict it even faster
  8. flammable: automatically become Burning from any source of flame, lose Flesh from Burning condition on recovery result of 1-8 instead of 1-4